If you are a theology geek, or just want some inspiration in your quest for truth or the meaning of life, or a diversion from gainful employment, this blog will be of interest to you.
If there is a theme for my writings, and as near as I can tell there is one, I think it would be this: Luther only started the Reformation. It isn’t over yet. Sacred Cows are not safe here.
Any theology requiring construction is begging for deconstruction. And I’m more than happy to oblige.
I do hope you find this to be a safe place to hang out while on your journey. You might be coming here with a lot of baggage and you and your baggage are welcome here. There is lots of room in your room and more room for your baggage down in the storage room. I hope that while you hang with us you will take the time to go through a few things and see if you really need them. If you leave here with less baggage than when you arrived then we have provided a good service. I would ask you to leave a tip on your way out but we haven’t fallen so far as to put up a donation box. At least not yet.
Even after 500 years there are still a lot of things Evangelical churches defend that are non-biblical Catholic doctrines, in my not-so-humble opinion, such as the doctrine of the Trinity and an authoritarian, hierarchical church government structure, Universal Condemnation (AKA Original Sin), Penal Substitution Atonement, plus my favorite: Eternal Conscious Suffering for the unsaved.
Just kidding. It’s not my favorite. I never really did like that whole idea, even when I believed it. The more I think about it, the more disgusted I get with the whole idea. Like most Christians I didn’t think about it much at the time.
Those are some things we got from the Mother Church that are begging for scrutiny, while there are other things Evangelicals came up with quite on their own due to a lack of supervision from Rome, such as a belief the world is going to Hell in a hand basket (End Times) and Jesus will rescue his people before the you-know-what hits the fan. As if that isn’t enough, there are those doctrines held by a few Evangelicals that I find particularly repugnant, such as believing God actually picks who will suffer forever in Hell (Calvinism). I have believed and taught many of the things I now write to correct, but for the record, I have never been a Calvinist.
While I might gain a few friends within Evangelical circles for tackling Calvinism I will probably lose them when I have issues with the doctrine of the inerrancy of scriptures and encourage people to Embrace the Doubt and follow Jesus anyway. Some Evangelicals, like our Catholic friends, won’t know what to do with themselves if Jesus asks them to walk with him in the same fashion that the early church did before they had a bible or a Church to tell them what to believe. But isn’t that the whole point of a New Covenant?
Then there is that “ism” that creeps into all religions, especially monotheistic religions that rely on ancient text, such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and that is Legalism. So I’m going to make friends with some of my Muslim brothers because of my stand against not only Islamophobia but against a couple of Christian doctrines I believe Muslims and Christians have every right to reject (Trinity and Penal Substitutionary Atonement), and I’ll make enemies with a few others for tackling Legalism within Islam.
As if that isn’t enough fun, I also delve into politics, particularly our nation’s destructive and counterproductive foreign policy in the Middle East. Our country was once well-respected in the world, and I would like to see that respect restored. We have found a new enemy, a new scapegoat for our problems, keeping us blind to the fact our enemy is not Islam, it is us. Jesus warned us that if we live by the sword we shall die by the sword. I’m all for self-defense, but our military is rarely used for that purpose. It’s usually used to expand our American Empire around the world.
If you have doubts about that thesis and want to learn why I say that, or if you would like to learn more from some of my sources regarding Islam and the Middle East here’s a great resource page.
By the way, some have called me a heretic thinking they are either offending me or helping me, or maybe even both, but I wear the Heretic badge with honor. Call me a Heretic and I will thank you.
If this is your idea of fun, welcome aboard!
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