INTRODUCTION According to Jesus in John 3:3 being born again is necessary to “see the Kingdom of God.” For most Protestants being born again, and thus saved, is the exclusive domain of the Christian because it’s a spiritual experience of…
Category: Salvation
Universal Condemnation Because Human
Sometimes us Christians get so wrapped up in our own world we are no longer able to see ourselves and our message the way the rest of the world sees it. This is particularly painful when we want our message…
Introduction to Salvation by Being Good
Salvation by works? Salvation by faith? Who’s right, Catholics or Evangelicals? Neither one. We are judged by our conduct and we are saved by not being wicked, according to the Bible. This may sound like “Salvation by Works” but it’s…
Salvation by Being Good
Let’s put this salvation issue as succinctly as possible: If God judges based on a person’s faith, then a good non-believer goes to Hell. If God judges based on conduct, then a good non-believer is saved. If the latter is…
Love, Righteousness & Salvation: Foundational Christianity
Introduction Greetings! After doing deep dives over the past 35 years into the subjects of biblical love, righteousness, and salvation it has become plain to me how important this understanding is to the ministry of the Church that Jesus founded.…
God Really is Just – Justice Demands Forgiveness
In my hundreds of conversations about Salvation by Being Good there are two objections that are raised almost every time. One objection that I have already addressed in a previous blog post is that no man can by his own…
There Are None Righteous – Except For Everyone Who Is
If you were part of a conversation on the Tri-City Gardeners Facebook Group and you saw that I wrote, “Yeah those crazy Virginia Creepers and Morning Glories. Turn your back on them for 5 minutes and they just take over,”…
Scriptures That Teach All Men Will Be Judged by Their Conduct, Not Their Belief
Primary Text for the Basis for Judgement: “This is the judgment [that is, the cause for indictment, the test by which people are judged, the basis for the sentence]: the Light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather…
If Being Good Can Not Save a Soul
If being good, or righteous, can not save a soul then Solomon was a dreamer for expecting what became known as the Jewish Hope of Righteousness, which is the Resurrection of the Righteous: Ill-gotten gains do not profit, but righteousness…
Did the Lamb Sacrifice Save the Jew?
If I led a group of believers and I told you we were practicing ancient Jewish rituals such as lamb sacrifices you might have one or more of the following reactions: “Why on earth would you be doing that?” Or,…