What some of my Christian friends believe to be loyalty to “God’s Chosen People”, many of us Christians see as a cruel trashing of everything we believe Jesus stood for. The comments from Christians to Pres. Trump’s tweet about withholding…
Category: Islam & Middle East
Why Christians, and All Americans, Should Support the Palestinians, Not Israel
I was recently asked what I would do about the ongoing war between Israel and the Palestinians given that Israel is in a fight for its life and has been under near constant attack by Hamas in the Gaza Strip…
A Christian’s Plan to Deal with the ISIS Crisis
We need to do this in a way that marks us as being completely different than them, and I don’t mean by that how advanced our military is compared to theirs. I’m talking about a difference in character and mission.…
We Should Have Listened to the Libertarians About the Middle East
Saddam Hussein gassing Kurdish villages, al-Qaeda attacking the US on 9/11, and ISIS killing just about anybody who isn’t ISIS isn’t a good thing, we can all agree to that, but it seems only the Libertarians have any objections to…
Palestinian Christian Response to UN Condemnation of Israeli Settlements
When big-name preachers like John Hagee impugn Palestinians he’s impugning the 50,000 of them who are his Christian brothers. I think people like him who spread prejudice against Palestinians just need to spend some time with Christian missionaries on the…
Israel Statehood: A Catastrophe, Not a Miracle
Al-Nakba – The Catastrophe May 14, 2018 marked the 70th anniversary of the declaration of Israel to become a state. Israel becoming a state is seen by many as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. I used to think so too.…
Standing With Israel: How Bad Theology Duped Us Into Supporting Terrorism and Oppression
From Benjamin Corey’s blog: Not many days go by without seeing some sort of “Stand with Israel” image pop up into my Facebook news feed. And, each time it does, my heart grieves over the fact that so many of…
Resources for Understanding Islam and Middle East Conflicts
These resources weigh heavily toward politics rather than theology to explain Islam and the Middle East. I have discovered that trying to understand Middle East conflicts and radical Islam from a purely theological perspective leads one to many wrong and…
Our Presence in the Middle East Really IS About Oil
For years I thought our use of military might was about humanitarian concerns, about being the world’s police force. That WAS the topic for debate, after all, wasn’t it? We couldn’t possibly be sacrificing the lives of our youth and…
Is There Any Relation Between Religion and Terrorism?
The old saw, “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims” simply isn’t true. Given the right political situations, people of any religious, philosophical, or political persuasion will produce terrorists. If you survey world history you will find…