What Did Jesus Mean by “Born Again”?

INTRODUCTION According to Jesus in John 3:3 being born again is necessary to “see the Kingdom of God.” For most Protestants being born again, and thus saved, is the exclusive domain of the Christian because it’s a spiritual experience of…

Introduction to Salvation by Being Good

Salvation by works? Salvation by faith? Who’s right, Catholics or Evangelicals? Neither one. We are judged by our conduct and we are saved by not being wicked, according to the Bible. This may sound like “Salvation by Works” but it’s…

Salvation by Being Good

Let’s put this salvation issue as succinctly as possible: If God judges based on a person’s faith, then a good non-believer goes to Hell. If God judges based on conduct, then a good non-believer is saved. If the latter is…

If Being Good Can Not Save a Soul

If being good, or righteous, can not save a soul then Solomon was a dreamer for expecting what became known as the Jewish Hope of Righteousness, which is the Resurrection of the Righteous: Ill-gotten gains do not profit, but righteousness…

Did the Lamb Sacrifice Save the Jew?

If I led a group of believers and I told you we were practicing ancient Jewish rituals such as lamb sacrifices you might have one or more of the following reactions: “Why on earth would you be doing that?” Or,…

Wrong Assumptions About the End Times

Hal Lindsey’s book The Late Great Planet Earth popularized the idea that mankind’s future is all laid out in the prophetic portions of the Bible. This is called Futerism, and for many of us Christians it’s the only paradigm we…

What [the] Hell?

Ed Christian, Professor of English at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, shows how words about Hell and eternal punishment are misunderstood. This presentation was given at an Evangelical Theological Society annual conference in 2001. The topic for the conference was Defining…

The Monster God of Calvinism

Christians get into endless debates about free will, predestination, and once-saved-always-saved, get lost in the complexity of it all, and don’t even see the 800 pound gorilla sitting in the room. I feel a need to expose one of the…